Risk Management & Insurance Services
The Office of Risk Management and Insurance (‘Risk Management’) strives to protect the assets of the University from various sources of loss or damage that could affect overall financial stability. Responsibilities include directing insurance programs and loss control activities, identifying exposures, recommending solutions, and promoting loss prevention.
Reporting Claims and Events
Injuries to University Employees (Workers Compensation- eFROI)
Damage to University Property
- Involving University vehicles (auto liability): Vehicle Accident Report procedures and form
- All other (general liability): Bodily Injury/Property Damage Incident Report
Certificate of Insurance and Credentialing
Certificate of Insurance
When the University enters into contracts for goods or services, the other party often requires evidence of University insurance. If the other party requires the University to list them as an additional insured, please complete and submit a Certificate of Insurance Request Form. Risk Management will have a certificate issued within three to five business days. Otherwise, please provide them with the attached evidence of coverage certificate of insurance.
Medical Credentialing Process
Insurance for outside parties
Those using University facilities; including Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) will require "TULIP Coverage":
Safety Fund Grants
Safety Fund grants are available to units and departments to make purchases of durable equipment that enhance employee safety.
Expenditures generally excluded from consideration include:
- Normal operational expenses: Personal protective equipment and consumables typically required to perform job duties: protective eyewear or goggles, respirators, dust masks, special clothing, first aid supplies, latex gloves, etc.
- Expenses better addressed by HEAPR funding: Equipment integral to the building structure and essential to its current or intended use or maintenance: fire alarms, fire protection/control, hand rails, barriers, general HVAC, etc.
- Ongoing expenses: subscriptions, training, etc. that regularly recurs.
Please complete and submit this application to Risk Management for consideration: Safety Fund Authorization Form
University Policies, Procedures, and Forms
Policies, procedures, and forms related to Risk Management are housed in the University Policy Library, including:
Related University Resources
- Bloodborne and Biological Pathogens Exposure Procedure
- Risk and Insurance Management Society
- University of Minnesota Police
- University of Minnesota Emergency Management
- U of MN Department of Environmental Health and Safety
- University Risk Management & Insurance Association
- University General Counsel
- University Real Estate Office
- University External Sales Policy
Risk Management and Insurance Staff
Melissa Cudzilo, Director
- Cory Montplaisir
- Pamela Windingstad
- Erica Holmstrom
More About Risk Management & Insurance Services
This office manages most of the insurance programs at the University with the exception of the University Employee Benefit Program (employee life, health, and disability insurance) which is managed through the Human Resources Department. Additionally, Risk Management:
- Advises the university community regarding the risks naturally encountered in the course of Research, Teaching and Outreach;
- Works to minimize the frequency and severity of physical injury and property damage;
- Consults on the risk and insurance provisions of the contracts the University seeks to enter;
- Implements programs that preserve university financial resources.
The Office of Risk Management and Insurance accepts as principle that assuming some risk is integral to being productive. The University must take risks and Risk Management must find ways to minimize the financial impact of adverse outcomes.
Risk Management uses commercial insurance, captive insurance, and self-insurance to transfer, or budget for, monetary loss arising from risk. It is responsible for the design, procurement, implementation and maintenance of these programs.
Contact Us
1300 2nd Street S Minneapolis, MN 55454
Building Abbreviation: WBOB
Phone: 612-624-5884 | Fax: 612-625-7384
Email: [email protected]