The PEAK Initiative

PEAK is about the peoplework, and services needed systemwide to support our world-class education, research, and outreach. At its heart, this initiative is about bringing together the talented people who do similar work to share resources, consistently deliver needed services and provide equitable support to every campus, college, and unit of the University. 

What’s happened recently? 

  • A kickoff event was held for Phase 2 units in February.
  • Phase 2 units are forming transition teams and conducting preliminary/planning meetings.
man connecting ideas on a chalkboard
Coworkers on a Zoom meeting

Purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable/billing, payroll accounting, and general accounting work are included in the FinOps Center service portfolio.

Workforce data management, leave of absence, and talent acquisition work included in the Human Resources Operations Center.

Enhancement and refinement of existing IT services that are integrated, collaborative, and delivered equitably systemwide.

Digital communications, creative services, account services, and measurement and analytics common good services.

Weaving equity and inclusion within every aspect of human resources is paramount to the success of every program, service, and employee engagement, and will inherently result in fostering a diverse workforce. To learn more about the university's goal of fostering a welcoming community that values belonging, equity, diversity and dignity in people and ideas, visit the Office of Human Resources website.